5 Tips for Managing Diabetes


5 Tips for Managing Diabetes
Know your diabetes
Know your blood sugar
Know your food
Know the importance of exercise
Stress management and sleep

According to an endocrinologist and a clinical associate professor of medicine at the Cleveland Clinic who treated patients with diabetes for 20, there are five that might make your life with diabetes much better.

Know your diabetes

Knowing your diabetes is very important. You should know what is diabetes and what it can do to your body. If you have never been to a teaching program or you feel like you need a refresher course. Please ask your healthcare provider to send you to an official diabetes teaching program. Definitely, knowledge is strength for your diabetes care.


Know your blood sugar

Knowing your blood sugar is another very important thing. It helps you to understand and know what happens to your blood sugars during the day or with the food. So please check your blood Sugar’s monitor and report it back to your health care provider.

Know your food

The third major thing to keep in mind is about food hub carbohydrates. Different kinds of carbohydrates will affect your blood sugar. Knowing the effect of food is a great strength for you when it comes to controlling your diabetes.

Know the importance of exercise

The next thing is exercise. If there is only one tip you want to pick from what is discussed today. Be sure this is the first one you pick. This is the most important thing you can do for yourself and for your diabetes. Please spend at least 15 to 20 minutes at a time five to six times a week to take care of yourself and your diabetes

Stress management and sleep

Finally, stress management and sleep. Yes stress management and sleep have a big impact on your blood sugar. Not sleeping well, being stressful all the time will increase your blood sugar as much as as if you have it in big chocolate cake. Please make sure you get enough sleep at night and you learn how to deal with our daily stress.

-Dr. Botella De Pollo