Weight problem undoubtedly worsens the condition of diabetes. Diabetes is still an underrated problem for many until it does not elevate to a level when one has no control over it. Actually diabetes affects are whole immune system because in this problem our metabolism goes for a toss. There are some other problems which appear as a consequence of diabetes. If a person with Type 2 diabetes becomes overweight, then the person has to suffer from many health consequences. So, we cannot tolerate the increase in weight in case of diabetes.
In Type 2 diabetes, it seems like an impossible task to decrease weight. But as every problem has a solution, it also comes with some very good healthy options handy. Let’s talk about them.
Follow an extremely healthy lifestyle:
Once you see the onset of the problem of diabetes, you need to be extremely careful about you lifestyle. You cannot follow the routine what people without the problem diabetes can. Moreover, I think no one else can help you in the matter of health more than you. Isn’t it?
When suffering from Type 2 diabetes and increase in body weight, it becomes an integral part of your lifestyle to do something about weight problem immediately. In many cases, I think even before gaining weight, we realize that our waistline is not like it was before. So, once you realize this, you should start some exercise in order to reduce pounds. The more your weight is in control in case of Type 2 diabetes, the more your blood sugar level stays in normal ranges.
Actually, if you are weighty and diabetic, this can increase your resistance to insulin, which is not a very good sign for your health. If you have consulted with your doctor already. You know the real cause of the diabetes disease. So, you must be aware that insulin production is highly crucial for one’s body to stay away from the problem of diabetes.
Obtain the knowledge of Body Mass Index:
It is nothing new. Actually we recommend our whole audience to do that regularly because being overweight even without suffering from any health issues is not normal because if not today, tomorrow could be a possibility that you develop some or the other health risk. Body Mass Index is scientifically proven weight management system.
According to science, there is idea of maintaining your body weight in accordance to the height. If you know what height should have how much weight, then you can maintain a proportionate body weight. Normal Body Mass Index is of 18.5-24.9. Above or below this anything is not normal.
We even suggest you to talk to your doctor about the best body weight management if you are not aware of it. He will better suggest you some ways to reduce your body weight as per your reports.
Consume more of veggies and fruits:
Green vegetables are good for type 2 diabetes patients
Diabetics have to be very particular about their diet and we have talked about it multiple times. There are many previous articles in which we focused only on diet for diabetes patients. Diabetics need to eat more vegetables, healthy fats, whole grains and fruits. Talk to a dietitian to get more knowledge about the kind of food which you can eat without any hesitation. The whole idea is that your daily intake of calories should be restricted, so that you don’t tend to have increased weight.
Develop a habit of exercising for a minimum of 30 minutes
Exercise helps in weight loss and proper management of blood sugar levels
It is very important for an individual to be active for some time every day because it improves our cardiovascular system. You can only give yourself a buyback in case you are suffering from and illness or injury that does not allow you to do any kind of exercise. Type 2 diabetes patients need to be very serious about their active time. Exercising regularly not only boosts the positive energy in diabetics, but it also maintain the overall health system of an individual.
There are a number of exercises that one can do with Type 2 diabetes or any other type of diabetes like aerobics, strength training, yoga and many more.
In the initial stage, it is not possible to go with very intense goals because if you have not yet followed any rule of life yet. How could you implement anything new so instantly? So, start with the easy ones, first and then you can move to little difficult ones. This is absolutely true for weight loss. You cannot see immediate impact on your body weight because it takes time. But this does not mean that you will be demotivated and leave any healthy exercise which you are already doing and move to something more intensive.
We don’t suggest that because we don’t want you to face injuries because you need a healthy exercise only and that can be the ones which we have already mentioned. Being active on daily basis will definitely show some results in a month or so.
If you want you can even join some groups or sign up on some websites in order to get regular updates on diabetes.
As we talked, just ensure that your goals are attainable because there is no scope of disappointment when you make realistic goals about your health.
If you want to work in the direction to achieve better health, then you need to even dream yourself to be a healthiest person one day. Because this thinking gives you more and more positivity to work toward better health more dedicatedly without going in depression. Read more, explore more and know about diabetes in detail. We told you in our previous articles that you can even seek the help of your doctor to improve your knowledge about this disease.
Losing weight is only possible with great deal of motivation and dedication and of course, diabetes is a disease that can be controlled in healthy ways very easily. So, you don’t need to pressurize yourself too much. Right?
Someone has very mindfully expressed his thought that health is wealth. Actually it is very much true because without health, I don’t think anything is possible. Whatever we achieve in our life is all by maintaining a very good health. So, please give time to yourself. You are more important than anything else in this world. Try to stay fit and healthy.