What is Peripheral Neuropathy in Diabetes?

Peripheral Neuropathy

Major risk of Peripheral Neuropathy: The onset of Peripheral Neurapathy: We talked about this situation in our previous article when we talked about foot and ankle problems in diabetics. Well, we told you already what can be done in this situation. But we are going to reiterate some points once … Read Full

Foot and Ankle Problem in Diabetes Patients

Foot and ankle problems

  Common foot problems in diabetics: Difference between foot and ankle problems in Type 1 and Type Diabetes: Foot problem in common people vs Diabetics: Contributors of foot and ankle related issue in diabetics: Professional life and foot/ankle problem in diabetes: Common foot and ankle complications in diabetics: According to … Read Full

Is milk good or bad for diabetics? What does research say?


Let’s see which type of milk should be consumed by diabetics: Raw milk is beneficial for type 2 diabetes patients as per research Camel milk can be very good in type 1 diabetes Milk products and diabetes There is no doubt that milk is an important part of the diet … Read Full

मधुमेह और भोजन: मधुमेह में क्या खाएं और क्या नहीं


मधुमेह में क्या खाएं और किस चीज को खाने से बचें: यदि रक्त में शर्करा का स्तर बढ़ा हुआ है तो ऐसे फलों का उपयोग करना फायदेमंद होता है जिनमें फाइबर की मात्रा अधिक होती है। भरपूर पानी पीने से भी शुगर लेवल को सही रखने में मदद मिलती है। … Read Full

10 Home Remedies to Cure Diabetic Patients Naturally


Controlling diabetes is not a big issue, if you give your best. First of all, one has to have an adequate knowledge about diabetes. There are reasons that one suffers from this problem. So, it is always a good idea to find the root cause of this problem and then … Read Full

Diabetes Mellitus (Type 1, Type 2) and Diabetic

diabetes mellitus

  Diabetes Mellitus (Type 1, Type 2) and Diabetic What is diabetes mellitus? How does glucose increase in body? What do Insulin and Glucagon do? Types of Diabetes Type 1 diabetes What are T cells? What is leukocyte antigen system? What is MHC? Beta cell destruction Type 2 diabetes Gestational … Read Full

Full day best diet plan for people with diabetes mellitus

Full day best diet plan for people with diabetes mellitus 1. Follow a right diet for diabetics 2. How to start the morning: 3. Dibetic breakfast in the morning: 4. List for preparing variety of breakfast: 5. Lunch for diabetics as per the diet plan: 6. Early evening meal for … Read Full

Best Food for Diabetes Control

  Best Food for Diabetes Control Meals to restrict for patients with diabetes 1. leafy greens for diabetes 1. Meals with heavy carbs 2. Beans for diabetes 2. Excessive-GI fruits 3. Citrus fruits for diabetes 3. Saturated and trans fat 4. Whole grains for diabetes 4. Refined sugar 5. Fatty … Read Full