World Diabetes Day | Diabetes Meaning, Symptoms and Causes | Home Remedies

World Diabetes Day

This disease has become so widespread that we have started celebrating World Diabetes Day in order to spread awareness of diabetes among people. It was only in 1991 when people first paid attention to it seriously as it was increasing very rapidly, and thus it was even decided to celebrate an International Diabetes Day aiming … Read more

Different Healthy Types of Tea for Diabetes Patients

Types of Tea for Diabetes Patients

Tea has become a modern snack and people like drinking tea for many reasons. Tea has caffeine in it, which makes us feel energetic for some hours and we can do our work with an enhanced concentration. But drinking tea can be harmful to patients with diabetes. That’s why today we will talk about different … Read more

Caffeine and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes | Bad Effect on Blood Sugar

Caffeine and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

There is a relation between intake of caffeine and diabetes. Caffeine is found in numerous items that we consume every day. Well, there are types of diabetes and there is a degree to it. Type 1 diabetes is not that serious as Type 2 diabetes, so when we say that caffeine can be harmless, it … Read more

Foot and Ankle Problem in Diabetes Patients

Foot and ankle problems

  Common foot problems in diabetics: Difference between foot and ankle problems in Type 1 and Type Diabetes: Foot problem in common people vs Diabetics: Contributors of foot and ankle related issue in diabetics: Professional life and foot/ankle problem in diabetes: Common foot and ankle complications in diabetics: According to Dr. Onosode who is board … Read more

How do you lose weight with type 2 diabetes

type 2 diabetes

  Follow an extremely healthy lifestyle: Obtain the knowledge of Body Mass Index: Consume more of veggies and fruits: Develop a habit of exercising for a minimum of 30 minutes Only make the goals which are achievable: Dream to be healthier: Weight problem undoubtedly worsens the condition of diabetes. Diabetes is still an underrated problem … Read more

How to reduce diabetes naturally at home without side effects


Find out healthier options of satisfying your sweet tooth: Limit your consumption of carbohydrate drinks and soda: Say goodbye to processed and packaged food items: No replacement of saturated fat by sugar: Always read labels: Strict dessert consumption: Natural sweeteners can help a lot: Today we are going to talk about how to reduce the … Read more

Is milk good or bad for diabetics? What does research say?


Let’s see which type of milk should be consumed by diabetics: Raw milk is beneficial for type 2 diabetes patients as per research Camel milk can be very good in type 1 diabetes Milk products and diabetes There is no doubt that milk is an important part of the diet for most of the people … Read more

मधुमेह और भोजन: मधुमेह में क्या खाएं और क्या नहीं


मधुमेह में क्या खाएं और किस चीज को खाने से बचें: यदि रक्त में शर्करा का स्तर बढ़ा हुआ है तो ऐसे फलों का उपयोग करना फायदेमंद होता है जिनमें फाइबर की मात्रा अधिक होती है। भरपूर पानी पीने से भी शुगर लेवल को सही रखने में मदद मिलती है। मधुमेह, आहार योजना को नियंत्रित … Read more

Diabetes and food: what to eat and what not to by diabetics


What to eat and what should be completely avoided by diabetics: If the blood sugar level is increased then it is beneficial for the the people with diabetes to use fruits that have high fiber content. Drinking plenty of water also helps to keep the sugar level right. Blood sugar is not a big issue … Read more

Testing for Type 1 Diabetes

The incidence and prevalence of type 1 diabetes is increasing Type 1 diabetic patients often present with acute symptoms of diabetes and markedly elevated blood glucose levels, and some are diagnosed with life-threatening keto acidosis. Several studies suggest that measuring islet auto antibodies in relatives of those with type 1 diabetes may identify individuals who … Read more