Testing to detect type 2 diabetes

Type 2 Diabetes Recommendations Testing to detect type 2 diabetes in asymptomatic people should be considered in adults of any age who are overweight or obese (BMI ≥25 kg/m2 or ≥23 kg/m2 in Asian Americans) and who have one or more additional risk factors for diabetes. For all patients, particularly those who are overweight or … Read more

How Exercise Could Reverse Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes impacts hundreds of thousands of individuals throughout the globe. It’s estimated that within the subsequent 20 years, the general incidence of diabetes might double and even triple. Whereas there appears to be a number of analysis at present carried out within the subject of diabetes, the most effective remedy that’s nonetheless accessible … Read more

Type 2 Diabetes and Exercise – Intensifying Your Workouts

Anyone who wishes to make use of the common benefits of exercise in accordance to better control on blood sugar disease and the loss of weight, what he may be aiming for is a top level of health. The hardest thing about physical activity is maintaining consistency. It is easy to get oneself to workout … Read more

Type 2 Diabetes – An Oral Drug That May Protect Against Heart Failure As Well As Lower Blood Sugar

Dapagliflozin (Farxiga) is an SGLT2 inhibitor, given in the form of a tablet for individuals who have been identified with Type 2 diabetes and is used together with weight loss program and exercise and generally with different medicines. It really works in the patients of Type 2 diabetes by making the kidneys secrete extra blood … Read more

टाइप 2 मधुमेह – फेनिलएलनिन का मधुमेह पर प्रभाव

हालाँकि टाइप 2 मधुमेह (Diabetes) आमतौर पर विभिन्न प्रकार की दवाओं, आहार और व्यायाम (exercise) का उपयोग करके नियंत्रित किया जाता है, लेकिन कुछ व्यक्तियों के लिए इन सब के अनुसरण के बावजूद भी सामान्य जीवन शैली का नेतृत्व करना इतना आसान नहीं है। क्योंकि इस प्रकार के सख्त आदेशों का पालन करना अक्सर बहुत … Read more

Treatment and Management of Type 2 Diabetes

Type 2 diabetes

  Treatment and management of  Type 2 diabetes Diet and Exercise are crucial in Type 2 Diabetes Benefits of Medications for the Patients with Diabetes Metformin Sulfonylureas or dpp-4 What causes Hypoglycemia? What is Incretin? Medications to improve the levels of Incretin dpp-4 inhibitors injectable glp-1 Thiazolidinediones Use of Insulin Types of Insulin Changes in … Read more

समझे क्या है टाइप 2 मधुमेह

टाइप 2 मधुमेह का एक अंतर्निहित ( underlying ) कारण टाइप 2 डाइबिटीज क्या होती है? अग्न्याशय की भूमिका क्या है? इंसुलिन प्रतिरोध ( Insulin Resistance ) क्या है? टाइप 2 मधुमेह के सब उल्लेखनीय लक्षण डायबिटीज से शरीर को क्या नुकसान होता है? टाइप 2 मधुमेह ( Type 2 Diabetes ) रोगियों में ज्यादा … Read more

टाइप 2 मधुमेह में आहार, व्यायाम तथा दवाओं का महत्व

type 2 diabetes

  टाइप 2 मधुमेह में आहार और व्यायाम का महत्व मधुमेह के रोगियों के लिए दवाओं के लाभ इंसुलिन का उपयोग मधुमेह के उपचार के लिए जीवनशैली में बदलाव टाइप 2 मधुमेह ( type 2 diabetes ) एक चयापचय विकार ( metabolic disorder ) है, जो हमारे शरीर में कोशिकाओं (cells) द्वारा ईंधन के रूप … Read more

Type 2 Diabetes – Best Food, Weight Reduction and Physical Activity

type 2 diabetes

What is Type 2 Diabetes? What is the most impacted age group of Type 2 Diabetes? What is the best food for Type 2 Diabetes? Can physical activity and reduction in weight help Type 2 diabetes patients? What is Type 2 Diabetes? Before we start following the right diet for controlling Type 2 diabetes, we … Read more